Welcome aboard the JKP Sports team!
We are excited to have you as part of the crew, and look forward to working with you. A few things will be required before you can begin working, so we have tried to streamline the process for you below. Please be sure to read everything, and complete the required tasks.
- Background Check: You must pass the basic background check. Once you were added to the system, you should have received an email from our partners over at GoodHire. If you did not receive that email, please fill out this very short form, here.
– - Agreement: You must fill out the appropriate Crew Agreement form: Photographer Agreement | Production Crew Agreement
– - W-9: You must fill out and return a W-9 Form with your first invoice of each year. You do not need to do this ahead of time, if you do not wish, and may submit it along with your invoice. You may email W9’s here, or with your invoice.
– - Invoice: You are brought on as an Independent Contractor, meaning you are NOT an employee. All IC’s are require to submit an invoice (and W-9) to JKP Sports, in order to receive payment. Invoices should be submitted to the email address you received your event logistics from.
If you do not have an invoice, we can offer you a few free templates online here or here. Please note, required items that must be on the invoice are:- Event Name
- Event Date(s)
- Hours worked each day (Start/End Times)
- Total Hours Worked
- Pay Rate
- Total Amount Due
- Current Address to mail a check