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Production Crew Agreement
By entering your information below, you acknowledge you have read and agree to the full terms & conditions between yourself (Production Crew) and JKP Sports.
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Today's Date:
1. Production Crew acknowledges that they are hired as an Independent Contractor and not an Employee of JKP Sports
2. Production Crew will invoice JKP Sports the amount due. Invoice shall be sent NO LATER THAN 60 DAYS AFTER THE EVENT. Production Crew shall also submit a W-9 along with 1st invoice each calendar year.
If Production Crew does not have an invoice template to use, one may be used here (https://invoiceto.me). Invoice shall include the following: Event Name, Event Date(s), Hours worked each day (Start/End Times), Total Hours Worked v. Pay Rate, , Total Amount Due, Current Address to mail a check. W-9 Forms may be downloaded from the IRS website (https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-w9). Failure to submit a W-9 may result in delay of payment.
3. Production Crew acknowledges that invoices shall be NET 30. In nearly all cases, JKP Sports pays within 2 weeks of receiving invoice.
Under no circumstance will a Production Crew be paid in advance. Production Crew must allow JKP Sports a minimum of two (2) weeks to have payment sent to them, before inquiring about whether or not payment was sent. All accounting questions may be sent to accounting@jkpsports.com.
4. If Production Crew does not complete the task hired for, due to any reasons short of emergencies (personal or family), they will not be paid for any work done at the event.
Examples: If Production Crew works 2 hours and decides they don't want to work any longer and leaves, there will be no payment. If Production Crew shows up day 1 and works, and is a no-call/no-show day 2, there will be no payment for the event.
5. If Production Crew is a “no-call/no-show” to the event, and cannot later provide sufficient proof of reason, they will be billed no less than $150 for damages and loss of income from the company. Unpaid balances will be sent to a collections agency to recuperate the amount due, per this agreement.
This is not designed to take advantage of anyone, nor to scare people off. JKP Sports photographs events in over 14 States per year and over 35,000 competitors per year, and needs committed team members showing up.
6. Production Crew understands that under NO circumstance is Production Crew allowed to take images home, or use images for personal or business use.
7. Production Crew understands that they hold personal liability for any damages or injuries that may occur at the fault of Production Crew during the event they are working for JKP Sports.
8. Production Crew agrees to be subject to a Criminal Background Check & Sex Offender national database search, prior to being used by JKP Sports.
JKP Sports primary subject matter is youth sports, and we strive to offer top-rated services around the country, and must have a crew with reputable character being the face of the company on-site at our events.
I have read & agree to the terms listed above:
Yes, I agree
No, I do not agree
Type your full name above as your signature
(c) JKP Sports 2001-2023
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