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JKP Sports Photo Release Form
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Responsible Party for Filling Out Form
Phone Number
Name of Your Meet
Please be specific
Month, Day(s) & Year of Your Meet
Please be specific
Do you currently have some form of photo release in place for your meets?
Yes (If yes, skip to last question)
No (If no, continue filling out form)
This is in reference to USAG's "Safe Sport Policy"
In light of USAG Policy mentioned in the Safe Sport Policy, it is imperative to have a conversation with JKP Sports about options from here, to have your event meet the basic requirements of the Policy. If you do NOT have something in place already, to obtain photo releases, and do NOT wish to address the issue, and wish to assume all responsibility for such, please simple skip to the last question.
If you DO NOT have a system in place to obtain photo releases from participants, parents or legal guardians, and wish to address the issue, we need to schedule a brief phone call to come up with a plan. Please list 2 or 3 days & times that best work for you to talk on the phone. We will confirm with you which time we are available, and will call you at the number listed above.
l declare under penalty of perjury (under the laws of the United States of America) that the answers given are true and correct. I understand USAG's Safe Sport Policy and accept full responsibility when it comes to the requirements of obtaining proper permission, or giving proper notification to athletes, parents & legal guardians. I hold JKP Sports harmless against any claims that may arise in lieu of athletes, parents or legal guardians having issues with permission given to photography at said Meet.
I agree
I do not agree
I am scheduling a call with JKP Sports before moving forward
Comment or Message
(c) JKP Sports 2001-2023
Theme by phonewear